Filmes indianos
Alguns membros do Vistalegre revelaram algum desconhecimento cultural quanto aos filmes indianos. Eles não sabiam o que era "Bobby" ou "Prestígio Real". Alguém quer perguntar isso aos respectivos pais ou tios e depois postar aqui os resultados dessa inquirição??
Aqui vai um resumo do Bobby:
Raja is the 18-year-old son of a wealthy Bombay businessman who suffers from his parents coldness and neglect. Shortly after finishing school he meets Bobby, the 16-year-old daughter of a poor Christian fisherman. They fall head over heels for each other, but they'll need everything they have to defend their love as their families won't accept them marrying each other...
Beaubi, Tareque, busque, busque, tue, tue...
Et Eddou, la tu a oubliez le nouveau chien de PC, le Pitbull !
Alors, maintenant il faut dire:
Beaubi, Tareque, Pitbull, cherche, cherche, cherche, tue, tue, tue......
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