Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
Discurso inspiracional...
ass. José Seramigo
Desde 2003. Um blogue que se reveste de alegria, de viver, de sentir. Com alguma desordem, personalidades múltiplas aqui coabitam e, a brincar, a brincar, reflectem um olhar sério sobre a realidade.
Figure 1 – LC Solitaire gaming results. The score obtained at the end of each complete game is plotted against the corresponding game duration. The green line represents a linear fit to the experimental points.
One sees that the game score depends strongly on the game duration. With a coefficient of linear correlation equal to -0.967, the linear interpolation traced in Figure 1 hints at a maximum possible score of about 6930 points and estimates the score to decrease over time at a rate of 14.6 points per second. This score-decreasing-over-time characteristic makes Solitaire ideal for the present study since it places the player in a stressful, time-limited decision making situation.
Figure 1 shows that LCs ability at Solitaire spreads over a relatively wide range: the game score presents a standard deviation of 402 around an average game score of 3622 points, while the game duration presents a standard deviation of 27 around an average game duration of 226 seconds. In a first analysis, one may attribute this variability solely to the variable degree of difficulty associated to each individual Solitaire game or to the highly unpredictable behavior of Earthlings when under stress. However, an analysis of the gaming history data, graphed in Figure 2, clearly reveals another contribution: the variability in LCs gaming results is also a consequence of the accumulated effect that successive Solitaire experiences have on LCs ability at Solitaire.
Figure 2 – LC Solitaire learning curve. The graph depicts the 7 event moving average over time.
The data in Figure 2 show how LC got better and better at playing Solitaire over time, not only as he learnt from trial and error but also as he gained more skill and mental agility. Over the time span of this study, LCs abilities at Solitaire improved by approximately 17%.
The obtained results suggest that Earthlings don’t necessarily break under pressure. In fact, the study subject appeared to be motivated by the time-limited decision making situations presented by Solitaire and clearly revealed an inherent ability to fight the crippling effects of stress and learn from successive trial and error experiences.
Given the prejudice and misconception that Earthlings have of Martians, fueled by decades of condemnable abduction-based studies and local government endorsed propaganda, one can expect a fierce fight-back reaction from Humans if ever we, sons and daughters of the Red planet, decide to invade and conquer their Blue planet. And given the results of this study, one can expect Earthlings to get better and better over time at fighting the Martian invasion.
The obtained results suggest that Earthlings possess the ability to learn from trial and error experiences, which clearly benefits their long term response and performance. Based on this observation, the authors of the present study recommend that any invasion of planet Earth be performed in a single, off-guard, overwhelming strike that eliminates any possible Human response. Failure to immediately conquer planet Earth would undoubtedly trigger an agonizingly long insurgent campaign that would ultimately lead to a defeat of the invading forces.
As to future work, the Manguito research team expects to extend this study to a significantly larger population of Earthlings, so as to gather statistically relevant data.
The author Çakana Meiguito thanks the Martian Science Foundation (MSF) for financial support under grant xpto-15-quinje-a-jero. This author also expresses thankfulness for the many recent interplanetary trips provided by the Martian Space Fleet.
[1] may the reader be reminded that biological warfare is one of the most ancient tactics used by Humans to win wars and to conquer and vanquish adversaries, used knowingly and unknowingly by the new-world comers to exterminate the native American Indians.
[2] Beware!, although having been reported dead, no hard, physical evidence was never produced
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Etiquetas: Histórias Pessoais
Etiquetas: Histórias Pessoais
Etiquetas: Poesia
The dollar plunges as the oil price sky-rockets!!! Is there a relation and what is it? What does this mean? Are both the dollar and the price of oil on the move??? The previous graph seems to suggest is that the loss of value of the US $ is also contibuting for the rise in the crude oil price: with a cheaper dollar, one needs more dollars to buy the same amount of oil. The sky-rocketing price of crude oil is being fueled (in part) by the plunging dollar!
Extrapolating ... if $1 drops down to 0.61 Euro then the crude oil price will reach $125 ... if $1 climbs back to 0.83 Euro then the crude oil price will drop back to $25.
Etiquetas: Poesia