19 maio 2006

Wikipedia - tudo sobre o estilo "Pimba"

..."The so called Rei do Pimba ("King of Pimba") was--and according to some stillis--Emanuel, a musician/singer who emphasizes topics such as love and sex inits strongly satirical songs. That is due to his hit song Nós Pimba (whichtranslates to "We Pimba", where "pimba", having innumerous meanings inPortuguese, is meant as "have sex") coining the genre. Furthermore, the Rainhado Pimba ("Queen of Pimba") is the well-known by the Portuguese people Ágata,and the Príncipe do Pimba ("Prince of Pimba") is Saúl, who whilst very youngperformed the Pimba hit O Bacalhau Quer Alho ("The Codfish WantsGarlic"--"quer alho" when spoken sounds as a swearword in Portuguese)."


Darth Ácão


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Este Post ta lindo! Lindo!!! Hilariante que isto esteja no Wikipedia!!!!!!! aos olhos do mundo!

2:47 da tarde  

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