Video made a gRingo eStar
Yesterday, the locals of enTulhaHoma and neighboring towns gathered around their TV sets to watch the popular lyrics writer gRingo eStar enjoy his 15 minutes of fame on local television during an interview with T. C. on his weekly program GrassRoots, produced by PeaHead Productions.
The producers of the program have decided to place this wonderful piece of entertainment on Video Cassette*, thus making it available to those who missed all six of the planned program broadcasts.
One can truly say that "Video made a gRingo eStar".
.* 4 copies
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All my troubles seemed so far away...
La la la la la...
Eu quero uma cópia só para mim!!!
Sentadinha no sofá, com uma bowl of mousse, a saborear este momento... hum!!!
I can´t wait!!!
So agora reparei que o nome do programa televisivo esta em perfeita consonancia com "hobby" alimentar do gRingo no post anterior. Curioso ...
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