Open letter to Tyra Banks
Dear Tyra,
it is with an open heart that I write this letter. I saw you on Larry King live and was stunned with the “Tyra is fat!” controversy!!! How can this be?? How delusional can envy be? Just by watching you on Larry King live … I have fallen deeply in love. Not only are you amazingly gorgeous, you are also a very humane person. Therefore, I was even more astonished to know that you have a hard time getting dates! How can this be?? Dear Tyra, believe me, I, Meiguito, will date you, hug you, squeeze you and give you lots of love!! Cross my heart!
Unfortunately, I don´t have your contact to send you flowers or to arrange our first date. My only hope is that, by remote chance, you will see this Vistalegre post and contact me. Fingers crossed. Tyra, be my Valentine.
With love, faith, yours truly
it is with an open heart that I write this letter. I saw you on Larry King live and was stunned with the “Tyra is fat!” controversy!!! How can this be?? How delusional can envy be? Just by watching you on Larry King live … I have fallen deeply in love. Not only are you amazingly gorgeous, you are also a very humane person. Therefore, I was even more astonished to know that you have a hard time getting dates! How can this be?? Dear Tyra, believe me, I, Meiguito, will date you, hug you, squeeze you and give you lots of love!! Cross my heart!
Unfortunately, I don´t have your contact to send you flowers or to arrange our first date. My only hope is that, by remote chance, you will see this Vistalegre post and contact me. Fingers crossed. Tyra, be my Valentine.
With love, faith, yours truly
Meiguito, o Papa vai ja tratar de fazer uma makumba!
Meiguito, o tio gRingo vai tratar de saber onde ela estaciona o carro! Vou la falar com ela.
O Meiguito saiu-me cá um çakana... ;-)
Sem dúvida que o Meiguito não se cansaria de estar sentado num banco a conversar com a dita menina...
Bela pombinha...
AI!!!! Mas afinal, o que E isto, oh Quinta Anilha?? Fui eu que a vi primeiro!!!
O gEstar é que não se importaria de ajudar a tratar de algum pneu furado (um "flat tyra") do carro da dita senhora...
Mas o Meiguito (o tal que não ficaria "tyrad" de estar no "bench" com ela) é que não acharia piada nenhuma a essa tyrada...
Parece-me que é caso para dizer: Quinta Anilha, tyra a pata!
lol :-)
Já estou a ver a proposta de casamento do Meiguito...:
"Tyra, queres ser a minha rainha, que eu serei o teu rei?... Mais: serei o teu Tyranossauros Rex"
E na noite de núpcias vamos ouvir o Meiguito a gritar: Tyra! Tyra! Tyra! Tyra! Tyra tudo...
Da forma como ela costuma aparecer nas revistas, nao ha muito para tyrar! ForCa Meiguito, atyra-te a ela!
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