Agente Secreto 0,07 escreve um artigo científico
A cena passa-se na biblioteca secreta do CUSA (Centre for Ultra Secret Agents).
Zero-vírgula-zero-sete relê e corrige uma última vez o abstract do artigo científico que pensa submeter à apreciação do USA 9/11:
‘This paper presents anew modification of the Genetically Modified Algorithm (GMA) for solving the Classical Secret Agent Disguising Problem (CSADP), with the objective of achieving its efficient implementation on randomly chosen secret agent robots. We describe the new features of our GMA as compared to well-established algorithms, and develop a new parallelization scheme, applicable to arbitrary GMAs. In addition to secret processes and interactive data exchanges between the involved population of agents, our parallel implementation also contains a generation of new possible solutions (strangers), which eliminates typical drawbacks of GMA. The proposed algorithm allows to accelerate the solution process and generates solutions of better quality as compared with previously developed GMA versions.’
Relido o artigo, 0,07 clica no botão de “Send mail” e suspira. Tomara que a revista “Secret Nature” publique o artigo…
Zero-vírgula-zero-sete relê e corrige uma última vez o abstract do artigo científico que pensa submeter à apreciação do USA 9/11:
‘This paper presents a
Relido o artigo, 0,07 clica no botão de “Send mail” e suspira. Tomara que a revista “Secret Nature” publique o artigo…
Etiquetas: Agente zero-vírgula-zero-sete
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