28 agosto 2007

The joke is on me

After all this … life, breathing, seeing, hearing, thinking and feeling, or not,
The joke is on me. Honestly. I just don’t get it.
What am I missing? What is it that I just don’t get?
Am I too stupid?
Is it so Duh that everybody gets it but me!
Am I trying too hard? Thinking too much??
Overdoing it?! Or not? What?!?!?
Tell me! We’re friends, right?
Tell me! Share the secret! Come on!!!! You know it!

You’re silent!!! Why? Cat got you’re tongue? Are you ignoring me?
Don’t you understand? Don’t you care??
A response, please!!! Hello!!!! What is this???
Is it a sect secret? A covert vow you must keep?
Don’t overprotect me! Don’t patronize me!
Think I can’t handle the truth? That I’m afraid of it?
Just like God, silent!
I’m talking to a door,
That opens to an empty space, full of nothing.